Who is your Hero?
Tell us who your Hero is. Just send us an email to sirvivor3@gmail.com and we will list your hero here on our wall of Heroes.
This Hero page is not just a memorial, it is a thank you to all who have served in the Military, public service, and maybe some upstanding public citizens. Service Animals are welcome as well. Who is you Hero? is for everyone, retired, active, or lost, we want a list for the people that have made America the greatest country in the world.
We will have a web form available soon, but for now please send us an email with the following information, and we will post it here. If your hero is still with us, no date is needed.
Hero Format: Name, rank, date KIA/MIA, branch of service, location
Betty L. Anderson | Shows (Corporal) U.S. Marine Corps - Women's Reserve, WWII North Carolina & California
Philip D. Brown (Spc) May 8, 2004 U.S. Army National Guard, Iraq
James Holmes (Spc) May 8, 2004 U.S. Army National Guard, Iraq
Richard D. Hovland (Sp4) Jan 31, 1968 U.S. Army, Vietnam
Lance J. Koenig (SSG) Sept 22, 2004 U.S. Army National Guard, Iraq
Robert F. Maurer (Musician Second Class) U.S. Navy, WWII Pacific / Asiatic Pacific on the USS Nevada Battleship
Cory W. Melland (Ret. Major) U.S. Army National Guard, Iraq
Percy L. Newhouse (Sgt) U.S. Army, WWII European Theater
Ronald Newhouse (Sgt) U.S. Army, Vietnam
Pascal P. Shows (Master Sergeant) U.S. Marine Corps, WWII Asiatic Pacific
Remember Freedom is not Free, We are the Land of the Free, because of the Brave.
Sir-Vivor would like to thank all of you who serve or have served the USA.