We headed out the the Azusa Canyon OHV this past Sunday. We have never been there, and it was fun to check out. There are several small water crossings, some rocks, lots of dirt and sand. Oh, and when you get to the end of the river bed it nothing but mud. If your a mud bogger this is the place to be. We got a little dirty, but figured that the stock Rubicon would become a boat anchor if we ventured too far into the mud. We stopped to visit with a new friend @tatonkajoey to get some pointers and went for a ride in the famous Tatonka. Talk about a power machine, that thing will clime a vertical hill and plow through almost any mud. Thanks Joey, we will be back again to see you guys. We did not do much more exploring out there, so we are excited to go back and check out some of those hill side trails.